In general, I’ve decided to share my perspective, experience, and insights. I’ve read a few comments and… What can I say?
I don’t have issues like headaches or anything like that. I have a different problem. I spend a lot of money on cigarettes. It bothers me. A lot.
I smoke three packs a day, but I don’t finish each cigarette. I just smoke a bit and then throw it away. Smoke, toss.
My main issue is how it aligns with my persona. I’m always in this mode. I want to smoke everywhere, with everyone. It’s just my thing.
I looked for information on quitting, but nothing helps. I always want to go out, smoke, and so on. Constantly thinking about where to smoke, with whom to smoke. Instead of not thinking about it, I focus on it.
Regarding headaches, I don’t know. I’ve never had headaches. I don’t feel nauseous. At most, what I do is because it’s tied to my persona. But I don’t get pleasure from it. And I smoke three packs, it’s a lot, and I spend a lot of money on this. It’s really a lot. Almost 8 euros. That’s, like, a lot for a pack. And I smoke three.
Well, because I can smoke everywhere, and it takes a lot of cigarettes. What can I say? I wanted to quit, stumbled upon this website
So, I watched, hurried through it, and immediately bought it. Didn’t think too much because what’s there to think about? I need a solution.
I always encounter solutions online that aren’t really solutions. And I read, read, read, read. But what to do? Nobody says anything. Just reading, reading, reading, reading. And just banal advice. Like from a newspaper.
I think people, you’re in your right mind. Well, at least, kind of? So, I bought this course. At first, I didn’t get it, but then it clicked. But I had many relapses. Now, it’s like everything is fine.
I’m following the course. I’ve got almost everything figured out. The method is straightforward but effective. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this myself before. Maybe I was looking in the wrong places for a solution.
Anyway, thanks to the team. The solution really helps. The main thing is to believe in yourself and make a definite decision. None of that ‘I will smoke’ or ‘I will sometimes smoke.’ Make a specific decision and stick to it.
It really worked for me. Whenever I think about it, it’s like starting anew. When I make a concrete decision and follow the instructions, everything’s fine.
Course for a new life without cigarettes.