Spending on Cigarettes Thoughtlessly

Spending on Cigarettes Thoughtlessly

Have you ever calculated your expenses on cigarettes? It’s foolish to think everything’s okay. You smoke a pack a day. Now multiply that by 365 days and see how much it adds up to. Could you have changed something in your life if you had saved that money?

Yeah, but it’s just money, you’re right.

Have you ever thought about how many cigarettes you smoke in a year, hoping that cancer will pass you by? Let’s imagine, on average, it’s 15 cigarettes a day, which means 5475 cigarettes a year. That’s something. And in ten years, 54750!

You can count the money yourself.

You never think, and that’s why everything happens like this. But if you’re reading this, it means you want changes. Do you think it matters why you quit smoking? You say yes, but I say no difference. The main thing is to stay alive and not get sick from this junk.

Have you ever thought your child would smoke?

With the idea that it’s cool because dad did it, or mom? It’s not about them having their choice, but about it being a strong image imprinted from childhood. And it’s better for the child to see now that it’s bad, but not from the position that mom or dad are helpless and therefore smoke, but because mom and dad are strong and hard to take over.

Cancer isn’t scary until you try it yourself.

It’s horrible, and there are no words to describe all the pain, especially when someone close suffers. So don’t be misled into thinking there’s salvation from this when every day you’re trying to induce these diseases called “30”.

Accept that everything changes, and you can change too.

And everything else is myths. Is it hard to quit smoking? Many have already gone this way. The point is, you change yourself. Cigarettes don’t bring pleasure; they only bring stress. Poison kills, and not its quantity, but its composition!

Course for a new life without cigarettes.

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