I don’t want to dwell on the topic of smoking, but it really is dangerous. If you change your attitude towards smoking, you will live longer and feel better. We understand that it sounds banal and as if we are not making an effort to contribute, but believe us, we have suffered too much from this filth. We experimented on ourselves to find out what gives the best results in overcoming this addiction.
After all, the number of lives taken by this filth every year is unimaginable. As we wrote in one of our articles, it’s possible to bypass the reptilian brain, and there’s no other way. What others write and say, that they simply stopped doing it but continue to think about it, indicates that they approached the process incorrectly.
To stop feeling such cravings. you really need to reprogram neural connections, and this takes time. Besides, you really need to believe in yourself; this is a key aspect. But not just believe, unconditionally, because if you doubt yourself for even a minute, you create a whole knot of assumptions that prevent you from reaching a new level.
You must understand.that it doesn’t matter what others think of you or say about you. You don’t owe anyone anything; you owe it to yourself because you are the person who can change everything. But there will be those who will try to drown you, all because they cannot realize themselves. They need to develop critical thinking because that’s the problem: they act from the position of their own sensations, which doesn’t concern you.
So your decision. concerns only you. ou don’t need sympathizers; you must sympathize with yourselves. Otherwise, you will get used to it, and you will always need such support. You don’t even realize what you’re capable of when you take control of your life. If you think it’s under control, it’s not, believe us.
Who in their right mind. would harm themselves and seek excuses? Understand, everything is complicated because you’re not just a human being; you’re a creation of this world that possesses the highest gift of choice, creation, giving life, etc. You’ve been limited, and you agreed to it.
It’s not your choice. You’ve been tangled up, and we understand that. You need to untie this knot and give yourself a chance to manifest. There’s enough bad in the world; let’s create good, improve everything around us, make our contribution. We don’t know who you are and why you’re still reading this, but we want you to realize yourself and your potential.
You’ll have to go through, restructuring, but if you do everything as described in the course, you will overcome this path. We’ve been through it several times, and as you can see, we’re still moving forward. We’re happy to share our knowledge and support you. Today, we recommend you to watch a movie called Life is beautiful / 50/50 (2011) here.
In it, you’ll be able to understand,how difficult it is in such a situation and why you shouldn’t. And of course, the movie is not about the harm of smoking, but about what can happen if smoking is present in your life.You’ll learn more about who are real friends and who are just gaps in your life.
The film is suitable for any age, and if you experience many different emotions, that’s normal. Don’t hesitate to express them because life without emotions is empty. So breathe life into yourself. If you want to support us, you can purchase the course and help yourself overcome this addiction. Thank you for reading to the end. We wish you success. Tobacco companies are bastards…
Course for a new life without cigarettes.